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Here at Blaydon West Primary we aim to inspire and engage all of our pupils to be capable readers, writers, spellers and speakers, who can transfer their English skills to other subjects and who are prepared for the next steps in their learning. We nurture them as eloquent and articulate speakers and writers, who use a wide and purposeful vocabulary. We encourage them as readers, who select texts for purpose and pleasure. Books and reading are at the heart of everything we do.

Pupils are taught writing skills which are inspired by half termly class novels.

  • Class novels are progressive across each class and based around Lexile levels to ensure challenge.
  • SPAG lessons are taught weekly through a means of different resources and are linked to whole class writing opportunities.
  • Guided reading lessons teach VIPERS and assessment focuses through independent activities and direct teacher intensive group work.
  • World Book Day is celebrated and whole school book sales and visiting authors take place when the opportunities arise.
  • Whole class reading comprehension lessons take place weekly using the Rising Stars ‘Cracking Comprehension’ scheme.
  • Children use the Letterjoin scheme to develop their handwriting which encourages fluency and a pride in presentation.
  • Children in EYFS and KS1 are taught phonics using the Gateshead letters and sounds.
  • Programmes are used to support reading such as; Accelerated Reader, Lexia and Myon
  • Children visit the school library weekly and the local library termly choosing books based around their own interests.
  • Intervention is monitored regularly and is subject to change depending upon children needs.
  • Children’s achievements are celebrated weekly in an awards assembly.

In our Early Years Foundation Stage:

  • Children are encouraged to use talk and communication in a variety of situations with adults, peers and visitors to create confidence in the spoken word.
  • Children develop their listening skills and are taught the rules of this turn - taking and listening to others.
  • Early reading skills create a solid foundation to achieve success in their next learning stage.
  • Reading books and reading for pleasure feature strongly with reading materials available in many different areas of the EYFS setting purposeful to their learning themes and also to encourage interest and imagination.
  • Early writing skills are encouraged throughout all areas of the EYFS setting and a strong teaching focus on letter formation and writing for purpose, interest and imagination creates confident writers who are ready for KS1.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2:

  • Children develop a love of literature.
  • Children can speak clearly and fluently communicating their ideas and emotions.
  • Children gain confidence to perform and recite lines in presentations such as assemblies and class performances.
  • Children can access reading in many different forms especially for pleasure and through comprehension teaching developing their knowledge and skills of fiction, non-fiction, cultural and historical literature.
  • Children use the school library and the local library encouraging them to develop a love of reading to support them on their future learning journey.
  • Children become fluent and effective writers with natural stamina.
  • Children can spell and use correct English grammar through the spoken word and through writing