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Extract’s from our 2022 Ofsted report…

What is it like to attend this school? Pupils are proud of their school. Many say that they love coming to school. Staff are kind and welcoming, and this helps to make new pupils feel at home. Pupils feel safe because of security systems and knowing their teachers will look after them.

...Pupils aim high. They work hard and try their best because teachers expect them to. Pupils have ambitious career choices ranging from being an astronaut to a vet. The school is integral to its community. Pupils support charities such as for cancer support. They collect food for local foodbanks. The choir sings in all local care homes at Christmas.

... School leaders have designed a curriculum that is well planned and builds knowledge progressively."

School Performance

We are extremely proud of the progress our children make not just at the end of each Key Stage but across our school as a whole.

The children’s learning journey means that the vast majority of children make super progress in Reading, Writing and Maths.

This is a fantastic result for everyone at Blaydon West Primary School.