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Year 6

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  • 13/07/23

    Year 6 Enterprise Week

    Year 6 have been busy over the past few weeks preparing for Enterprise Week and have had a fantastic week running their stalls. They have been selling a range of snacks as well as hosting a 'guess how many sweets are in the jar' and 'guess the name of the bear'...
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  • 13/07/23

    Year 6 STEMFest

    Year 6 attended this year's STEMFest at the Vertu Motors Arena, Newcastle. They visited the stands hosted by many local manufacturing businesses and took part in hands-on activities relating to a range of STEM careers.
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  • 13/07/23

    Year 6 Enterprise Week Treat to Mr Mulligan’s Space Golf

    Year 6 visited Mr Mulligan's Space Golf in Newcastle using the funds from their earnings during Enterprise Week to pay. They enjoyed two rounds of adventure golf and enjoyed a pizza party lunch! They had a fantastic time, making memories to treasure!...
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  • 15/06/23

    Year 6 – WW2 – Life as an evacuee

    Year 6 have been exploring what life was like as an evacuee in WW2; they demonstrated their new learning by writing a diary entry as one and displayed it in a their own ‘secret envelope’.
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  • 13/06/23

    Year 6 Shadows Assignment

    Today, Year 6 took part in a pattern seeking mission assignment. They identified that the closer the object to the light source, the larger the shadow. Great teamwork  was seen throughout and super scientific explanations were given!
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  • 13/06/23

    Year 6 Street Scientists

    This morning, Year 6 took part in a ‘Story of Earth’ workshop ran by the Street Scientists of Newcastle University. They witnessed, and took part in, a range of mini experiments which represented key points in the story of how Earth came to be as it is today!
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  • 09/06/23

    Year 6 Exploring Light

    This week, Year 6 began their new science unit all about light! So far, we have explored how light travels, reflection and how humans see. We explored what is meant by ‘the law of reflection’ and drew a scientifically accurate diagram to explain this, before learning...
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  • 09/06/23

    Year 6 Geocaching Trip

    This Tuesday, Year 6 visited Gibside to take part in a Geocaching explorers activity. They used Garmin GPS systems to locate objects and activities around the site. Excellent teamwork shown throughout!
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  • 08/06/23

    Eco-Team Volunteering

    This afternoon, the eco-team visited the new site for the Gateshead West Uniform Scheme. They helped organise and sort bags of clothes and shoes into the correct sizes and grouped them into schools so that when people visit the shop they’ll be able to pick what they...
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  • 06/06/23

    Eco-team Litter Pick

    Before half term, the eco-team took part in a litter pick in the local area. They went down to Blaydon precinct and found lots of litter. They were brilliantly behaved and thanked by some of the public who were out in Blaydon. They were joined by local MP Liz Twist...
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  • 06/06/23

    Year 5 and 6 Netball Club

    Today, the Year 5 and 6 netball club were lucky enough to have a coach, Miss Coulson, from Thorp Academy train. We took part in lots of different drills to help with our throwing and footwork skills before getting into a match. We picked up lots of tips from the coach...
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  • 26/05/23

    Year 6 Safety Information Leaflets

    Following their visit to Safety Works and an exploration of information leaflets, Year 6 created their very own information leaflets about keeping safe in the local community. Their excellent advice will be shared with pupils across school next half term!...
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