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School Uniform

We hope that all parents/carers will support our policy of the wearing of school uniform as we believe it has many advantages.

The uniform comprises of: 
  • Blue sweatshirt
  • Yellow polo shirt
  • Skirt – grey or black
  • Trousers / Tights – grey or black
  • Shoes – black

The blue sweatshirt and yellow polo shirt are available to order with the school logo from the school office, or, alternatively can be purchased from other suppliers.

Trainers are not part of the school uniform and shoes with high heels are potentially unsafe and, therefore, are not allowed.

PE Kit
  • Plain white tee shirt
  • Plain dark coloured shorts (no logos)
  • Trainers
  • Plain dark tracksuit or jogging pants for colder weather (no logos)
  • School Blue hoodie

Football strips are not part of the PE uniform.

The children will take part in outdoor games lessons in cold weather, therefore it is important that they have warm clothing.


  • Towel
  • Swimming trunks/costume

Please mark all items of clothing with your child’s name.

More Information

Blaydon West Primary School uses the supplier below for embroidered uniform.

Logos Unlimited Direct Uniform Order
Please click on the link below to direct you to the Logos Unlimited Uniform Ordering Website: Visits to the Logos Unlimited Shop at Swalwell are welcome. Uniform can be tried on and purchased direct from their shop
