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  • 27/06/24

    Hall Hill Farm

    Reception thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Hall Hill Farm. They learnt lots of new facts and behaved wonderfully.
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  • 19/06/24

    Reception Phonics Workshop

    Reception parents and children took part in a phonics workshop this afternoon. We focussed on how to support the children when reading together at home.
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  • 23/05/24

    The Life Cycle of a Frog

    Reception have explored the life cycle of a frog. They looked at the different stages of the life cycle and found out lots of interesting facts.
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  • 16/05/24

    Reception Visit Blaydon Library

    Reception listened to Monkey’s Sandwich today on their visit to Blaydon Library. They then enjoyed a treasure hunt, searching for the different food monkey stole, and then designed their own sandwich.
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  • 16/05/24

    Who Lives Under the Sea?

    Reception were super under the sea explorers! They found out lots of facts about different creatures that live under the sea.
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  • 16/05/24

    NUFC in Reception

    Today in our PE session, we have played some variations of the game shark attack while practising different types of throws – overarm and underarm.
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  • 14/05/24

    Reception at Pizza Express

    Reception have had a fantastic morning becoming chefs at Pizza Express! The children behaved impeccably and were fantastic ambassadors of our school.
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  • 08/03/24

    World Book Day in Reception

    Reception have thoroughly enjoyed our World Book Day celebrations. Look at our super costumes!
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  • 29/02/24

    Where in the world?

    Last half term, Reception had lots of fun exploring our ‘ticket to ride’ topic. We looked at transport, places we have been, where we live and other contrasting countries. The children also produced some marvellous maps, using the book ‘Martha Maps it Out’ to inspire us.
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  • 29/02/24

    Gymnastics in Reception

    Reception thoroughly enjoyed their gymnastics sessions with Grass Roots last half term. They learnt lots of new skills and made fantastic progress with a variety of rolls and balances, as the weeks progressed.
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