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Year 3

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  • 13/02/23

    Rocks, Glorious Rocks, Sandstone and Marble (sang to the tune of “Food, Glorious Food”)!

    Last week, Year 3 carried out a range of activities in order to help them identify and classify a range of rocks based on their physical properties. First, they carried out a sorting activity which required them to apply the knowledge they gained from their recent trip to the Great North Museum...
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  • 15/12/22

    Newcastle Christmas Market

    To support their current Design and Technology unit of work, last week Year 3 visited Newcastle Christmas Market to gather information in relation to popular Christmas traditions. Along the way, they explored the different stalls and purchased a range of products in preparation for carrying out a sa...
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  • 15/12/22

    Traditional Tastes

    On Tuesday, Year 3 carried out a tasting activity which required them to sample a range of ingredients associated with traditional Christmas treats. The children explored a number of flavours such as dark chocolate, peppermint (in the form of a candy cane), marzipan, chocolate orange (in the form of...
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  • 17/11/22

    Super Spreadsheets

    Yesterday, Year 3 carried out a spreadsheet-themed activity which required them to collect data (on a topic of their choosing) and then present it via a two-column table. Once they had done so they then made use of a “chart” function in order to produce a pie chart and a bar graph. Ta...
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  • 11/11/22

    Stone Age Research

    Yesterday Year 3 kick-started their “Stone Age to Iron Age” topic by carrying out a research task in order to help them answer the following enquiry question: were stone age people purely just hunter and gatherers? From doing so they were able to find the following information/evidenc...
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  • 20/10/22

    Felting Fabulous Flowers

    To support their recent Charles Rennie Mackintosh work, yesterday Year 3 visited the Shipley Art Gallery to take part in two flower-themed workshops. The first one being a felt making workshop where they also had the opportunity to explore a range of different textiles and learn a range a fantastic...
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  • 18/10/22

    Digital Art

    Today Year 3 have been replicating their Mackintosh-inspired geometric sketches through a digital art activity. Take a look for yourself…
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  • 14/10/22

    Geometric Art

    Today in Year 3, the children have been exploring both their own and Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s ideas through a geometric sketching activity. First, they all took part in a step-by-step tutorial in order to perfect the infamous “Mackintosh Rose”, before then setting to work creati...
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  • 13/10/22

    Blaydon Vs Edinburgh (Part 3)

    Continuing with their comparative study, today Year 3 have been exploring what makes both Blaydon and Edinburgh unique when it comes to tourism. First, they discussed what tourism is (when people travel from their home to other places for relaxation and pleasure), and how/why it is good for a destin...
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  • 11/10/22

    Hello Yellow

    To help celebrate World Mental Health Day, yesterday Year 3 took part in a game of “Well-being Bingo” which required the children to participate in a range of activities specifically designed to encourage them to think about wellbeing and what makes them happy, comfortable...
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  • 10/10/22

    Rennie Replications

    In preparation for creating their very own geometric-style artwork in the style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the children have been busy replicating some of his masterpieces. Before doing so, they explored a number of his creations and generated discission around their different features and how he...
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  • 10/10/22

    Blaydon Vs Edinburgh (Part 2)

    In preparation for making comparisons between Blaydon and Edinburgh, Year 3 have been using their prior knowledge (Y1 – Blaydon topic) to carry out a range of map-related tasks. First, they mapped out the route that they took on a previous fieldwork trip before assigning a range of landmarks t...
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