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Year 3

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  • 25/04/23

    Angel of the North Sculpture Workshop

    This afternoon, Year 3 visited the Shipley Art Gallery to take part in a range of Angel of the North themed activities. They then worked in small groups to construct their very own replicas of Antony Gormley’s famous sculpture. Take a look for yourself…
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  • 25/04/23

    Angel of the North

    Today, Year 3 visited the Angel of the North to carry out observational drawings of the famous North-East landmark.  
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  • 24/04/23

    Antony Gormley

    To kick-start their sculpture-based art topic, Year 3 have spent the afternoon researching the work of British sculptor Antony Gormley.    
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  • 21/04/23

    Sundial Investigation

    Yesterday, Year 3 carried out a science investigation in order to answer the following question: can shadows help you to tell the time? First, they recapped on how shadows are formed before being introduced to the concept of sundials and exploring their purpose. Next, they set to work in pairs to co...
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  • 20/04/23

    Branching Databases

    Yesterday in Computing, Year 3 learned all about branching databases (they are used to classify groups of objects; they help you to identify objects by answering questions with either ‘yes’ or ‘no’) through a range of different activities.. They then devised their very own an...
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  • 18/04/23

    Transport Tallys

    This afternoon, Year 3 carried out a data handling task which required them to devise tally charts based on the different coloured vehicles that travelled up/down Blaydon Bank during a specific period of the school day. Once they had done so, they then had to devise pictograms to present their findi...
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  • 18/04/23

    Geocaching at Gibside

    Today, Year 3 visited Gibside to take part in a geocaching workshop. The event required them to make use of handheld GPS devices in order to locate a number of boxes (which included a wide range of nature-themed activities that they were then required to complete) that had been hidden around the sit...
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  • 05/04/23

    Shadow Puppets

    In preparation for putting on their very own traditional-themed puppet show performances, the children have been working in small groups in order to design and construct their very own puppets and props. Throughout the whole design process they have generated, developed, modeled and communicated...
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  • 05/04/23

    Shadow Puppet Shows

    Following the children creating their very own traditional tale-themed puppets (including essential props), each group then put on a performance of their chosen fable to the rest of the class. The children’s choices being: Rumpelstiltskin Cinderella The Ugly Duckling The Three L...
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  • 05/04/23

    Dance Festival

    Last week, Year 3 put on a very “brave and bold” performance on stage at the SAGE. The dance routine they performed represented the group’s strength and unitedness, whilst also celebrating each member’s individuality and uniqueness. The show was absolutely amazing! Well do...
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  • 13/03/23

    Shadow Investigation

    Last week, Year 3 carried out an activity which required them to investigate how shadows are formed (when an opaque object blocks the path of light – which travels in straight lines); and why/how shadows change size. To do so, the children used a light source (torch) to cast an object...
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  • 09/03/23

    Hand Shadows

    Yesterday, Year 3 carried out a hand shadow puppetry activity where they worked in small groups and explored using a light source to create a range of animals on the school walls.
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